Author: gangrif

Host your own “DropBox” like service.

So, it’s no secret. I don’t like “The cloud”. I mean, “The cloud”, has its uses, but I dont like cloud storage, and I dont like the false security it gives people. But it’s damn convenient! Services like Dropbox offer some pretty nice features. A free 2gb storage container that you can put whatever you’d…

DerbyCon 2012

Wow That’s the best way I can start this post. Wow. I’m in the passenger seat of our rented VW Jetta, tethered to my galaxy nexus, typing this up on m tablet because I wanted to get some of these thoughts down before I started to lose them. Sorry for typos, touch keyboards aren’t my…

Security is Hard!

I am a sysadmin. So whether I call myself a security professional or not, security is fused with my daily tasks. I build servers, I administer servers. Web servers, database servers, identity servers. Servers that make the college I work for.. Work. If i don’t keep security in mind, at worst our private data could…

Repairing a water damaged Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Some time ago, around the beginning of the year, Google and Samsung released the next Nexus phone. The Galaxy Nexus. A number of my co-workers were waiting for this thing to release, so they could get one. Currently 4 of my co-workers have them, one on AT&T, the others on Verizon. One of them accidentally…

I, am a hacker.

The term, Hacker, has developed such a negative connotation over the past decade or so. I’ve fought to spread the good word, but no one seems to get it. Everyone pictures these skeezy guys that are interested solely in stealing your identity, or credit cards, or bank account. That just isn’t the case! A “Hacker”…

You guys missed it…

What a great time we live in, right? Facebook and amazon at our finger tips. Connections to all of our friends with a few taps on a touch-screen. Instant access to wheather, maps, navigation, news, and movies. All in these little devices we keep in our pockets, purses, and on our belts. Instant gratification for…

Backtrack linux on the Motorola Droid 4

The makers of backtrack Linux have released a version of the distro which is built for ARM processors. This means that backtrack, a full Linux distribution, sort of an Ubuntu pentester’s spin, will run on mobile devices. This does not however mean its a simple manner. Backtrack’s website has a downloadable image built to run…

What Mobile Devices (and their providers) Could Learn from Computers.

As I was showing a Friend my new Droid 4, and I was telling him about how Motorola and Verizon saw fit to strip the SIP capability out of Gingerbread for their own gain, he made a comment that made a lot of sense. “Your ISP dictates what Firmware you can run on your computer,…

Verizon Wireless, Droid 4, initial opinions.

So, I’m an android fan. I like the OS, I’ve owned a Droid Incredible for over a year now, and to be honest, it’s operation just fits with my lifestyle. I’m not a big apple fan, and blackberry.. well, forget it. The Incredible is showing its age, its still performing well, but it’s got a…

SOPA/Protect IP, the aftermath.

I just read an interesting article on CNN Money. About how SOPA and Protect IP were killed, not by the huge sums of money throw at their opposition and support, but by technologists, like me, who opposed the bill, and made it known to as many people as they could. I have to say.. I…